Monday, May 18, 2009

Week 4 - Grunge & Text

Camera Info:
Truck - Nikon D50; Shutter Speed: 1/1500; F stop:5.3; no flash; 5/15/09 - Bannack Ghost Town, Montana
Texture - Nikon D50; Shutter Speed: 1/15 ; F stop:4.8; no flash; 5/15/09 - Bannack Ghost Town, Montana (inside the old mill) - tripod used

Photo: Old Truck
Added solid color fill layer (tan/rust color)
Photo: texture layer
Open channels
Option-click on green (selects the pixels without selecting the whole picture)
Pasted the selected texture to the old truck
Added an adjustment layer (levels)
Worked with levels until I liked the result

Used Marque tool to select the whole photo
Selected the inverse (command-shift-i)
Applied Quick Mask (q)
Found Thick and Heavy brushes from drop down menu (b; brush tool)
Used different opacity on the 1st brush until I liked the result
Removed Quick Mask (q)
Selected the inverse (command-shift-i)
Added solid color fill layer - used a dark brown from inside the truck

Opened copy of the photo after the grunge was placed on it but before the edge was put on
Used the Type Mask - Horizontal
Font used - Rockwell Extra Bold - size 12pt
Clicked on the black arrow
Copied selection of BANNACK letters to a new document with transparent background
Copied BANNACK layer to the truck edited photo
Stretched BANNACK letters to be as big as I wanted them
Added mask to texture layer
Used black paint to mask out part of the texture layer so the color of the text could come through

Camera Info:
Hat - Nikon D50; Shutter Speed: 4 seconds ; F stop: 19; no flash; 5/15/09 - Bannack Ghost Town, Montana (inside the hotel kitchen) - tripod used
Texture - Nikon D50; Shutter Speed: 1/15 ; F stop:4.8; no flash; 5/15/09 - Bannack Ghost Town, Montana (inside the old mill) - tripod used

Photo: Hat & Rose
Added solid color fill layer (dark red - low opacity)
Photo: texture layer
Open channels
Option-click on green (selects the pixels without selecting the whole picture)
Pasted the selected texture to hat & rose (turned sideways & stretched so there wouldn't be lines straight across)
Masked out part of the texture on the hat and rose
Added Layer Adjustment mask

Added text box over whole image
Typed words to do with Bannack
Repeated the words so there would be a lot
Copied the layer of text
Changed one layer of text to a pink from the rose - left the other a yellow from the hat
Moved the text layers around so both sets of text show and vary

Added new Bannack layer of text
Added new Montana layer of text
Kept Montana the same font as the background (Copperplate Gothic Light)
Changed Bannack font (Monotype Corsiva)
Added Bevel/Emboss effect to both layers of text
Added drop shadows to both layers of text

Added a rectangle object behind these two layers of text
Masked out the edges of the box
*I did this part to help the text stand out from the background a bit more

Added new layer
Used the Marque tool with a 50% feather to select a rectangle shape
Selected the inverse (command-shift-i)
Filled layer with foreground color (option-delete)
Reduced the opacity some on this layer
Burned the edges on the background just a tiny bit to help the corners stay really black

1 comment:

Lesli said...

Stacy Great job! I really like your ghost photo with the cowboy hat! You took some really good photos. You are very talented!